How it all started...
Back in 2014, Donna Black was a trainer in the dance fitness
community. She mentored and began working with a group of
instructors at a local event center in Tacoma, WA. There, they were
able to create a schedule where each instructor partnered with
someone and would teach on that day of the week at the same time,
every week. They called it Commit to You, or CTY. It was their
home to teach active classes and grow their community. During that
time Donna was also working on a development team with her sister, Jessica Black aka J.Black, and Jessica Quande.
The three of them left the company they were at, Donna and Quande continued to do master classes without a format, J.Black went to work for State Farm. Then on April 17, 2017 they applied for an official business license for CTY Fitness. They held a meeting with the instructors that were already teaching at CTY and asked them if they wanted to go on this journey for creating a format. The format's name, COMMIT Dance Fitness. It would be the first format under the umbrella of Commit to You Fitness, LLC.
During this time, J.Black was still not convinced to start a format. It wasn't until November 2017 that she decided to be a part of the format. She saw the hardwork Donna and Quande were putting into growing the company. How they were trying to develop retail ideas, the course material, and even how they were consistently branding themselves. In November J.Black hopped in and thats when the website was launched and the first training was created.
COMMIT Dance fitness licensed 80 people in their first ever training, and another 80 in their second training. Since then, we have licensed over 600 people and are in over 15 states. We have been compared to the tortoise in the tortoise and the hare, and we are ok with that. With consistency and balance we plan to create an everlasting format. We now have a team of 10 core team members, 50 Creative and Development team Members, and we plan to keep growing.
Stay tuned as our story develops.